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The Dew Action Sports Amateur Film Festival Competition 2005 Results and Events that took place.

Contest Provided by The Oregon Sports Authority and Advertised By Oregon live . The Video was Shown on the Studio 411 Tour as well as on the big screen at the Vans Invitational Portland Oregon Contest. Part of the Dew Action Sports Tour 2005.


This was a huge opportunity for me, and I took it. Before I entered my piece I asked the Oregon Sports Authority if it was ok to enter my video piece that I edited, and creatively compiled with music and special effects while the clips came from my teacher that he filmed in Mammoth Lakes California. They said it was ok because there were only about 5 other contestants and they needed more entries anyway.

The next step I took was to call my previous professor, who shot the clips and that I edited and compiled with music with special effects in his film making class. He said it was fine with him, but he was feeling a little leery about the exposure of some of the riders that were filmed.

I reassured him that I would not show any ones face in the film, also the fact that the filming was taken on public property, and it states firmly on signs and lift tickets at Mammoth Mountain. Anyone can take their photos or videos without any ones consent. It doesn't say it in those exact words, but basically in a nut shell states that once they are on the mountain, each and every person gives anyone permission to take their images. So everything seemed ok from that point on. No objections were expressed on his behalf. The other thing that made a big difference is knowing that it was a contest and no money would be made from it either. just a few prizes.

Knowing this and that being said, I went ahead and entered the video that I put together in his film making class knowing that I had a pretty good chance and didn't want to throw away a perfect opportunity at improving my portfolio and getting some good exposure. Besides, what teacher wouldn't be proud of his or her students doing well in the field they teach in and knowing how they are doing?


I want to publicly Thank Mark Bealo, my past professor of several multimedia classes for his guidance and providing the clips for me to work on. I do regret that I forgot to add credits at the end of the video before I submitted it to this contest. I feel I also am much deserving of taking at least half the credit for this film for the hard work I put into it. Thanks Mark once again for all your help.

How Our Week went at the Dew Action Sport Tour Vans Invitational.

This was a very fun Day for Becky and I; it was exhausting but fun. We not only got to sit up in the very front rows of each contest, but we were provided with free food as well. As a result of being able to sit in the front, we were captured in the background on NBC during the Skateboard Vert Finals. Very exciting!

Neither of us have been on TV during an event like this. Becky has never been to an action sport event at all so she enjoyed it very much. It was a bit frustrating for me to watch all these athletes compete, and not being able to compete with them. I used compete a lot in skateboarding when I was growing up. To see people compete that I used to compete with as amateurs was a little upsetting for me, but I got over it, and was just happy for them.


Becky and I in the background during the Skateboard vert finals.Click the pic to watch the clip


Click on the contest banner to see the video clips that I filmed recently of the video that won the contest on the big screens during the 411 studio tour and the dew action sport tour while they were here in Portland.

Sadly the only clear shot of us happened to be when Pro rider Bob Burnquist took a fall. Hope he doesn't mind.
Click on the Vans Invitational Logo to see some of the photos I took during the different events that were held in Portland. Enjoy!