Mural Art presentation First Sealife Mural using spray paint First comissioned mural using freehand and stenciled airbrush as art tool and acrylic paint First public mural inside gymnasium Second public comissioned mural inside skateboard and in-line skate shop Second comissioned murals inside skateboard and in-line skate shop Second comissioned private mural hand painted and airbrush road runner in desert Third comissioned private mural African safari wildlife airbrushed Fourth comissioned private mural airbrushed Angel Fifth comissioned private mural Cartoon sealife using airbrush Third comissioned public mural stencil and airbrush on school wall Fourth comissioned public mural airbrushed and stencil at security patrol office Sixth comissioned private mural hand painted beach scene Seventh comissioned private mural airbrushed skateboarder Eighth comissioned private mural airbrush and hand painted for painting contractor Ninth comissioned private mural airbrushed cartoon sealife Fifth comissioned Public Mural Sealife spraygun and airbrushed on school wall Tenth comissioned private mural airbrushed sealife Eleventh comissioned private mural airbrushed baby angel Twlevth comissioned private mural hand painted and airbrushed equestrian Sixth comissioned public mural handpainted aquascape fresh water fish in aquarium fish shop Seventh comissioned public mural airbrushed over handpainted sealife on window Thirteenth comissioned private mural hand painted and airbrushed jungle scene Eighth comissioned public mural dolphin pod airbrushed on school wall Fourteenth comissioned private mural hand painted and airbrushed vineyard landscape for private home winery Ninth public Mural cartoon sealife murals inside childcare nursery




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