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Here's the front of the School, as you're walking in. The school mascot are the dolphins. To your right, is a close up image of the dolphins I painted on the wall.

This is a shot of the mural I took immediately after the tarp was pulled down from the top of the wall. It's not the clearest shot I could get, probably because it was taken at 4:30 p.m pacific standard time. I still can't beleive I spent only 1 week and 2 days on this Mural, and at a total of 65 hrs by myself with very little help at all. I received alot of support along the way from teachers and children walking by and watching. That ment alot to me, especially when I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off. I Just want to thank the PTA at Lake elementary for deciding to follow through with this Mural project and having faith that I'd do a good job. I also want to thank Dominic from San Diego custom painting for helping me get some discount prices at Frazee paint and supply. Without that discount I would've paid atleast $2-$300 more on equipement and supplies.

Click on the Dolphins to read the news article on this mural.